Source code for outputs.flood_outputs

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import copy

# import as inpdt

[docs]def compute_stats_per_housing_type( floods, path_floods, nb_households_formal, nb_households_subsidized, nb_households_informal, nb_households_backyard, path_tables, flood_categ, threshold=0.1): """ Compute aggregate flood exposure statistics for a given flood type. More specifically, the function returns for each available return period and each housing type, an estimated total number of households exposed and associated average maximum flood depth level. The output is used as an argument by the validation_flood function (export_outputs_floods module) Parameters ---------- floods : list List of file names for available flood maps per return period and flood type path_floods : str Path towards flood maps directory nb_households_formal : Series Number of households living in formal private housing, per grid cell nb_households_subsidized : Series Number of households living in formal subsidized housing, per grid cell nb_households_informal : Series Number of households living in informal settlements, per grid cell nb_households_backyard : Series Number of households living in informal backyards, per grid cell path_tables : str Path for saving output plots flood_categ : str Category of flood risks considered, used in name of output file threshold : float64, optional Maximum flood depth level (in m) below which we choose to discard flood risks. The default is 0.1, but is not used in benchmark version of the function. Returns ------- stats_per_housing_type : DataFrame Table summarizing, for a given flood type and each associated return period, the estimated total number of households per housing type living in flood-prone areas, and the associated average maximum flood depth level """ stats_per_housing_type = pd.DataFrame( columns=['flood', 'fraction_formal_in_flood_prone_area', 'fraction_subsidized_in_flood_prone_area', 'fraction_informal_in_flood_prone_area', 'fraction_backyard_in_flood_prone_area', 'flood_depth_formal', 'flood_depth_subsidized', 'flood_depth_informal', 'flood_depth_backyard'] ) for flood in floods: type_flood = copy.deepcopy(flood) flood = np.squeeze(pd.read_excel(path_floods + flood + ".xlsx")) # flood.prop_flood_prone[flood.flood_depth < threshold] = 0 # flood.flood_depth[flood.flood_depth < threshold] = 0 print(type_flood) if ((type_flood == 'P_5yr') | (type_flood == 'P_10yr')): stats_per_housing_type = pd.concat([ stats_per_housing_type, pd.DataFrame( {'flood': [type_flood], 'fraction_formal_in_flood_prone_area': [0], 'fraction_subsidized_in_flood_prone_area': [0], 'fraction_informal_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal)], 'fraction_backyard_in_flood_prone_area': [0], 'flood_depth_formal': [0], 'flood_depth_subsidized': [0], 'flood_depth_informal': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal) / sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal) )], 'flood_depth_backyard': [0]} )], ignore_index=True) elif (type_flood == 'P_20yr'): stats_per_housing_type = pd.concat([ stats_per_housing_type, pd.DataFrame( {'flood': [type_flood], 'fraction_formal_in_flood_prone_area': [0], 'fraction_subsidized_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_subsidized)], 'fraction_informal_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal)], 'fraction_backyard_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_backyard)], 'flood_depth_formal': [0], 'flood_depth_subsidized': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_subsidized) / sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_subsidized))], 'flood_depth_informal': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal) / sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal) )], 'flood_depth_backyard': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_backyard) / sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_backyard) )]} )], ignore_index=True) else: stats_per_housing_type = pd.concat([ stats_per_housing_type, pd.DataFrame( {'flood': [type_flood], 'fraction_formal_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_formal)], 'fraction_subsidized_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_subsidized)], 'fraction_informal_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal)], 'fraction_backyard_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_backyard)], 'flood_depth_formal': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_formal) / sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_formal) )], 'flood_depth_subsidized': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_subsidized) / sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_subsidized))], 'flood_depth_informal': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal) / sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_informal) )], 'flood_depth_backyard': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_backyard) / sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_backyard) )]} )], ignore_index=True) stats_per_housing_type = stats_per_housing_type.fillna(value=0) stats_per_housing_type.to_csv( path_tables + flood_categ + '_stats_per_housing_type.csv') return stats_per_housing_type
[docs]def compute_stats_per_income_group( floods, path_floods, nb_households_rich, nb_households_midrich, nb_households_midpoor, nb_households_poor, path_tables, flood_categ, threshold=0.1): """ Compute aggregate flood exposure statistics for a given flood type. More specifically, the function returns for each available return period and each income group, an estimated total number of households exposed and associated average maximum flood depth level. Parameters ---------- floods : list List of file names for available flood maps per return period and flood type path_floods : str Path towards flood maps directory nb_households_rich : Series Number of rich households, per grid cell nb_households_midrich : Series Number of mid-rich households, per grid cell nb_households_midpoor : Series Number of mid-poor households, per grid cell nb_households_poor : Series Number of poor households, per grid cell path_tables : str Path for saving output plots flood_categ : str Category of flood risks considered, used in name of output file threshold : float64, optional Maximum flood depth level (in m) below which we choose to discard flood risks. The default is 0.1, but is not used in benchmark version of the function. Returns ------- stats_per_income_group : DataFrame Table summatizing, for a given flood type and each associated return period, the estimated total number of households per income group living in flood-prone areas, and the associated average maximum flood depth level """ stats_per_income_group = pd.DataFrame( columns=['flood', 'fraction_rich_in_flood_prone_area', 'fraction_midrich_in_flood_prone_area', 'fraction_midpoor_in_flood_prone_area', 'fraction_poor_in_flood_prone_area', 'flood_depth_rich', 'flood_depth_midrich', 'flood_depth_midpoor', 'flood_depth_poor'] ) for flood in floods: type_flood = copy.deepcopy(flood) flood = np.squeeze(pd.read_excel(path_floods + flood + ".xlsx")) # flood.prop_flood_prone[flood.flood_depth < threshold] = 0 # flood.flood_depth[flood.flood_depth < threshold] = 0 print(type_flood) stats_per_income_group = pd.concat([ stats_per_income_group, pd.DataFrame( {'flood': [type_flood], 'fraction_rich_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_rich)], 'fraction_midrich_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_midrich)], 'fraction_midpoor_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_midpoor)], 'fraction_poor_in_flood_prone_area': [np.sum( flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_poor)], 'flood_depth_rich': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_rich) / sum(flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_rich) )], 'flood_depth_midrich': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_midrich) / sum(flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_midrich ))], 'flood_depth_midpoor': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_midpoor) / sum(flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_midpoor) )], 'flood_depth_poor': [sum( flood['flood_depth'] * (flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_poor) / sum(flood['prop_flood_prone'] * nb_households_poor) )]} )], ignore_index=True) stats_per_income_group = stats_per_income_group.fillna(value=0) stats_per_income_group.to_csv( path_tables + flood_categ + '_stats_per_income_group.csv') return stats_per_income_group
[docs]def compute_damages(floods, path_data, param, content_cost, nb_households_formal, nb_households_subsidized, nb_households_informal, nb_households_backyard, dwelling_size, formal_structure_cost, content_damages, structural_damages_type4b, structural_damages_type4a, structural_damages_type2, structural_damages_type3a, options, spline_inflation, year_temp, path_tables, flood_categ): """ Compute total structure and content damages per housing type. This function leverages the depth-damage functions from the literature to estimate the monetary value lost to floods based on the estimated total value of the underlying asset, per available return period. The logic is the same as in Parameters ---------- floods : list List of file names for available flood maps per return period and flood type path_data : str Path towards data used in the model param : dict Dictionary of default parameters content_cost : DataFrame Estimated value of composite good consumption that is considered as flood-prone, for each grid cell (24,014) and each housing type (4) nb_households_formal : Series Number of households living in formal private housing, per grid cell nb_households_subsidized : Series Number of households living in formal subsidized housing, per grid cell nb_households_informal : Series Number of households living in informal settlements, per grid cell nb_households_backyard : Series Number of households living in informal backyards, per grid cell DESCRIPTION. dwelling_size : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Average dwelling size (in m²) per grid cell in each housing type (4) formal_structure_cost : ndarray(float64) Estimated construction cost of formal private housing structures, based on their market capital values, per grid cell (24,014) content_damages : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (house contents) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Villiers et al., 2007 structural_damages_type4b : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (type-4b house structures) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Englhardt et al., 2019 (two-floor reinforced masonry/concrete and steel buildings) structural_damages_type4a : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (type-4a house structures) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Englhardt et al., 2019 (one-floor reinforced masonry/concrete and steel buildings) structural_damages_type2 : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (type-2 house structures) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Englhardt et al., 2019 (wooden buildings) structural_damages_type3a : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (type-3a house structures) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Englhardt et al., 2019 (one-floor unreinforced masonry/concrete buildings) options : dict Dictionary of default options spline_inflation : interp1d Linear interpolation for inflation rate (in base 100 relative to baseline year) over the years (baseline year set at 0) year_temp : int Year (relative to baseline year set at 0) for which we want to run the function path_tables : str Path for saving output plots flood_categ : str Category of flood risks considered, used in name of output file Returns ------- damages : DataFrame Table yielding, for each return period and housing types, the estimated total damages in terms of housing structures and contents """ damages = pd.DataFrame(columns=['flood', 'formal_structure_damages', 'subsidized_structure_damages', 'informal_structure_damages', 'backyard_structure_damages', 'formal_content_damages', 'subsidized_content_damages', 'informal_content_damages', 'backyard_content_damages']) for item in floods: print(item) type_flood = copy.deepcopy(item) data_flood = np.squeeze(pd.read_excel(path_data + item + ".xlsx")) formal_damages = structural_damages_type4a(data_flood['flood_depth']) formal_damages[dwelling_size[0, :] > param["threshold"] ] = structural_damages_type4b( data_flood.flood_depth[dwelling_size[0, :] > param["threshold"]]) subsidized_damages = structural_damages_type4a( data_flood['flood_depth']) subsidized_damages[dwelling_size[3, :] > param["threshold"] ] = structural_damages_type4b( data_flood.flood_depth[dwelling_size[3, :] > param["threshold"]]) formal_structure_damages = np.nansum( nb_households_formal * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * formal_structure_cost * formal_damages) subsidized_structure_damages = np.nansum( nb_households_subsidized * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * param["subsidized_structure_value_ref"] * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) * subsidized_damages) informal_structure_damages = np.nansum( nb_households_informal * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * param["informal_structure_value_ref"] * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) * structural_damages_type2(data_flood['flood_depth'])) # backyard_structure_damages = ( # 16216 * np.nansum( # nb_households_backyard * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] # * param["informal_structure_value_ref"] # * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) # * structural_damages_type2(data_flood['flood_depth'])) # + 74916 * np.nansum( # nb_households_backyard * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] # * param["informal_structure_value_ref"] # * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) # * structural_damages_type3a(data_flood['flood_depth'])) # ) / (74916 + 16216) # In our benchmark, we only consider informal backyards backyard_structure_damages = np.nansum( nb_households_backyard * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * param["informal_structure_value_ref"] * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) * structural_damages_type3a(data_flood['flood_depth'])) formal_content_damages = np.nansum( nb_households_formal * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * content_cost.formal * content_damages(data_flood['flood_depth'])) subsidized_content_damages = np.nansum( nb_households_subsidized * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * content_cost.subsidized * content_damages(data_flood['flood_depth'])) informal_content_damages = np.nansum( nb_households_informal * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * content_cost.informal * content_damages(data_flood['flood_depth'])) backyard_content_damages = np.nansum( nb_households_backyard * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * content_cost.backyard * content_damages(data_flood['flood_depth'])) damages = pd.concat([ damages, pd.DataFrame( {'flood': [type_flood], 'formal_structure_damages': [formal_structure_damages], 'subsidized_structure_damages': [ subsidized_structure_damages], 'informal_structure_damages': [informal_structure_damages], 'backyard_structure_damages': [backyard_structure_damages], 'formal_content_damages': [formal_content_damages], 'informal_content_damages': [informal_content_damages], 'backyard_content_damages': [backyard_content_damages], 'subsidized_content_damages': [subsidized_content_damages]} )], ignore_index=True) damages = damages.fillna(value=0) # damages[damages < 0] = 0 damages.to_csv( path_tables + flood_categ + '_damages.csv') return damages
[docs]def compute_damages_2d(floods, path_data, param, content_cost, nb_households_formal, nb_households_subsidized, nb_households_informal, nb_households_backyard, dwelling_size, formal_structure_cost, content_damages, structural_damages_type4b, structural_damages_type4a, structural_damages_type2, structural_damages_type3a, options, spline_inflation, year_temp, path_tables, flood_categ): """ Compute structure and content damages per housing type across space. This function leverages the depth-damage functions from the literature to estimate the monetary value lost to floods based on the estimated total value of the underlying asset, per available return period. Here, we get spatial, and not aggregate, data. The use of this function instead of its 1D counterpart depends on the plots we are interested in. Parameters ---------- floods : list List of file names for available flood maps per return period and flood type path_data : str Path towards data used in the model param : dict Dictionary of default parameters content_cost : DataFrame Estimated value of composite good consumption that is considered as flood-prone, for each grid cell (24,014) and each housing type (4) nb_households_formal : Series Number of households living in formal private housing, per grid cell nb_households_subsidized : Series Number of households living in formal subsidized housing, per grid cell nb_households_informal : Series Number of households living in informal settlements, per grid cell nb_households_backyard : Series Number of households living in informal backyards, per grid cell DESCRIPTION. dwelling_size : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Average dwelling size (in m²) per grid cell in each housing type (4) formal_structure_cost : ndarray(float64) Estimated construction cost of formal private housing structures, based on their market capital values, per grid cell (24,014) content_damages : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (house contents) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Villiers et al., 2007 structural_damages_type4b : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (type-4b house structures) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Englhardt et al., 2019 (two-floor reinforced masonry/concrete and steel buildings) structural_damages_type4a : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (type-4a house structures) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Englhardt et al., 2019 (one-floor reinforced masonry/concrete and steel buildings) structural_damages_type2 : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (type-2 house structures) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Englhardt et al., 2019 (wooden buildings) structural_damages_type3a : interp1d Linear interpolation for fraction of capital destroyed (type-3a house structures) over maximum flood depth (in m) in a given area, from de Englhardt et al., 2019 (one-floor unreinforced masonry/concrete buildings) options : dict Dictionary of default options spline_inflation : interp1d Linear interpolation for inflation rate (in base 100 relative to baseline year) over the years (baseline year set at 0) year_temp : int Year (relative to baseline year set at 0) for which we want to run the function path_tables : str Path for saving output plots flood_categ : str Category of flood risks considered, used in name of output file Returns ------- dict_damages : dict Dictionary yielding, for each return period, the estimated damages per grid cell (24,014) and housing type (4) in terms of housing structures and contents """ dict_damages = {} # NB: we need to go back at each return period to get the fraction of # households exposed to floods for item in floods: print(item) data_flood = np.squeeze(pd.read_excel(path_data + item + ".xlsx")) formal_damages = structural_damages_type4a(data_flood['flood_depth']) formal_damages[dwelling_size[0, :] > param["threshold"] ] = structural_damages_type4b( data_flood.flood_depth[dwelling_size[0, :] > param["threshold"]]) subsidized_damages = structural_damages_type4a( data_flood['flood_depth']) subsidized_damages[dwelling_size[3, :] > param["threshold"] ] = structural_damages_type4b( data_flood.flood_depth[dwelling_size[3, :] > param["threshold"]]) formal_structure_damages = ( nb_households_formal * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * formal_structure_cost * formal_damages) subsidized_structure_damages = ( nb_households_subsidized * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * param["subsidized_structure_value_ref"] * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) * subsidized_damages) informal_structure_damages = ( nb_households_informal * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * param["informal_structure_value_ref"] * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) * structural_damages_type2(data_flood['flood_depth'])) # backyard_structure_damages = ( # 16216 * np.nansum( # nb_households_backyard * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] # * param["informal_structure_value_ref"] # * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) # * structural_damages_type2(data_flood['flood_depth'])) # + 74916 * np.nansum( # nb_households_backyard * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] # * param["informal_structure_value_ref"] # * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) # * structural_damages_type3a(data_flood['flood_depth'])) # ) / (74916 + 16216) # In our benchmark, we only consider informal backyards backyard_structure_damages = ( nb_households_backyard * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * param["informal_structure_value_ref"] * (spline_inflation(year_temp) / spline_inflation(0)) * structural_damages_type3a(data_flood['flood_depth'])) formal_content_damages = ( nb_households_formal * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * content_cost.formal * content_damages(data_flood['flood_depth'])) subsidized_content_damages = ( nb_households_subsidized * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * content_cost.subsidized * content_damages(data_flood['flood_depth'])) informal_content_damages = ( nb_households_informal * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * content_cost.informal * content_damages(data_flood['flood_depth'])) backyard_content_damages = ( nb_households_backyard * data_flood["prop_flood_prone"] * content_cost.backyard * content_damages(data_flood['flood_depth'])) damages = pd.DataFrame( {'formal_structure_damages': formal_structure_damages, 'subsidized_structure_damages': subsidized_structure_damages, 'informal_structure_damages': informal_structure_damages, 'backyard_structure_damages': backyard_structure_damages, 'formal_content_damages': formal_content_damages, 'informal_content_damages': informal_content_damages, 'backyard_content_damages': backyard_content_damages, 'subsidized_content_damages': subsidized_content_damages}) damages = damages.fillna(value=0) # damages[damages < 0] = 0 # damages.to_csv( # path_tables + flood_categ + '_' + item + '_damages_2d.csv') dict_damages[item] = damages return dict_damages
[docs]def annualize_damages(array_init, type_flood, housing_type, options): """ Return expected value of flood damages for given location and housing type. The logic is the same as in Parameters ---------- array_init : ndarray(float64) Array containing estimated damage values per available return period, for a given flood type, housing type, and grid cell type_flood : str Type of flood risk considered, used to determine the number of return periods available (depends on FATHOM/DELTARES data source) housing_type : str Housing type considered, used to determine which corrections to apply for pluvial flood risks options : dict Dictionary of default options Returns ------- float64 Annualized / expected value of future damage flows for a given flood type, housing type, and grid cell """ array = array_init.copy() if type_flood == 'pluvial' and options["correct_pluvial"] == 1: if housing_type == 'formal': array[0] = 0 array[1] = 0 array[2] = 0 elif housing_type == 'subsidized' or housing_type == 'backyard': array[0] = 0 array[1] = 0 if (type_flood == 'pluvial' or type_flood == 'fluviald' or type_flood == 'fluvialu'): interval0 = 1 - (1/5) interval1 = (1/5) - (1/10) interval2 = (1/10) - (1/20) interval3 = (1/20) - (1/50) interval4 = (1/50) - (1/75) interval5 = (1/75) - (1/100) interval6 = (1/100) - (1/200) interval7 = (1/200) - (1/250) interval8 = (1/250) - (1/500) interval9 = (1/500) - (1/1000) interval10 = (1/1000) if options["climate_change"] == 1: # We increase the likelihood of flood risks based upon given param interval0 = 1 - (1/5 * options["risk_increase"]) interval1 = ((1/5 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/10 * options["risk_increase"])) interval2 = ((1/10 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/20 * options["risk_increase"])) interval3 = ((1/20 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/50 * options["risk_increase"])) interval4 = ((1/50 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/75 * options["risk_increase"])) interval5 = ((1/75 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/100 * options["risk_increase"])) interval6 = ((1/100 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/200 * options["risk_increase"])) interval7 = ((1/200 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/250 * options["risk_increase"])) interval8 = ((1/250 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/500 * options["risk_increase"])) interval9 = ((1/500 * options["risk_increase"]) - (1/1000 * options["risk_increase"])) interval10 = (1/1000 * options["risk_increase"]) damages0 = array[0] damages1 = array[0] + array[1] damages2 = array[1] + array[2] damages3 = array[2] + array[3] damages4 = array[3] + array[4] damages5 = array[4] + array[5] damages6 = array[5] + array[6] damages7 = array[6] + array[7] damages8 = array[7] + array[8] damages9 = array[8] + array[9] damages10 = array[9] + array[9] return (0.5 * ((interval0 * damages0) + (interval1 * damages1) + (interval2 * damages2) + (interval3 * damages3) + (interval4 * damages4) + (interval5 * damages5) + (interval6 * damages6) + (interval7 * damages7) + (interval8 * damages8) + (interval9 * damages9) + (interval10 * damages10))) elif type_flood == 'coastal': interval0 = 1 - (1/2) interval1 = (1/2) - (1/5) interval2 = (1/5) - (1/10) interval3 = (1/10) - (1/25) interval4 = (1/25) - (1/50) interval5 = (1/50) - (1/100) interval6 = (1/100) - (1/250) interval7 = (1/250) damages0 = array[0] + array[1] damages1 = array[1] + array[2] damages2 = array[2] + array[3] damages3 = array[3] + array[4] damages4 = array[4] + array[5] damages5 = array[5] + array[6] damages6 = array[6] + array[7] damages7 = array[7] + array[7] return (0.5 * ((interval0 * damages0) + (interval1 * damages1) + (interval2 * damages2) + (interval3 * damages3) + (interval4 * damages4) + (interval5 * damages5) + (interval6 * damages6) + (interval7 * damages7)))
[docs]def compute_formal_structure_cost( initial_state_capital_land, initial_state_households_housing_types, coeff_land): """ Estimate construction costs of formal private housing structures in space. Note that the estimation process relies on a theoretical relation linking market prices to capital values. The value obtained is therefore an outcome of the model, and may not correspond to accounting estimates that are common in the impact evaluation literature. Parameters ---------- initial_state_capital_land : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Value (in rands) of the housing capital stock per unit of available land (in km²) for each endogenous housing type (3) per grid cell at baseline year (2011) initial_state_households_housing_types : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Number of households per grid cell in each housing type (4) coeff_land : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Updated land availability for each grid cell (24,014) and each housing type (4: formal private, informal backyards, informal settlements, formal subsidized) Returns ------- formal_structure_cost : ndarray(float64) Estimated construction cost of formal private housing structures, based on their market capital values, per grid cell (24,014) """ price_simul = initial_state_capital_land[0, :] # We multiply by available land area, and average the output across # households # np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') formal_structure_cost = ( price_simul * 250000 * coeff_land[0, :] / initial_state_households_housing_types[0, :]) # formal_structure_cost[np.isinf(formal_structure_cost)] = np.nan return formal_structure_cost
[docs]def compute_content_cost( initial_state_households, initial_state_housing_supply, income_net_of_commuting_costs, param, fraction_capital_destroyed, initial_state_rent, initial_state_dwelling_size, interest_rate): """ Estimate value of flood-prone composite good consumption in space. Again, this is based on model outcomes. Since cost estimates are specific to housing type, we rely on an estimation of average income per housing type that we plug into households' budget constraint. Parameters ---------- initial_state_households : ndarray(float64, ndim=3) Number of households per grid cell in each income group (4) and each housing type (4) initial_state_housing_supply : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Housing supply per unit of available land (in m² per km²) for each housing type (4) in each grid cell income_net_of_commuting_costs : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Expected annual income net of commuting costs (in rands, for one household), for each geographic unit, by income group (4) param : dict Dictionary of default parameters fraction_capital_destroyed : DataFrame Data frame of expected fractions of capital destroyed, for housing structures and contents in different housing types, in each grid cell (24,014) initial_state_rent : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Average annual rent (in rands) per grid cell for each housing type (4) initial_state_dwelling_size : ndarray(float64, ndim=2) Average dwelling size (in m²) per grid cell in each housing type (4) interest_rate : float64 Real interest rate for the overall economy, corresponding to an average over past years Returns ------- content_cost : DataFrame Estimated value of composite good consumption that is considered as flood-prone, for each grid cell (24,014) and each housing type (4) """ content_cost = pd.DataFrame() # We estimate average incomes net of commuting costs in space, per housing # type income_formal = ( np.nansum(income_net_of_commuting_costs * initial_state_households[0, :, :], 0) / np.nansum(initial_state_households[0, :, :], 0)) income_backyard = ( np.nansum(income_net_of_commuting_costs * initial_state_households[1, :, :], 0) / np.nansum(initial_state_households[1, :, :], 0)) income_informal = ( np.nansum(income_net_of_commuting_costs * initial_state_households[2, :, :], 0) / np.nansum(initial_state_households[2, :, :], 0)) income_subsidized = ( np.nansum(income_net_of_commuting_costs * initial_state_households[3, :, :], 0) / np.nansum(initial_state_households[3, :, :], 0)) # We also define other useful variables # First, the fraction of capital destroyed in formal subsidized housing # (that pops up in those households' budget constraint) capital_destroyed = np.zeros( len(fraction_capital_destroyed.structure_formal_2)) # capital_destroyed[:] = np.nan (capital_destroyed[initial_state_dwelling_size[3, :] > param["threshold"]] ) = fraction_capital_destroyed.structure_subsidized_2[ initial_state_dwelling_size[3, :] > param["threshold"]] (capital_destroyed[initial_state_dwelling_size[3, :] <= param["threshold"]] ) = fraction_capital_destroyed.structure_subsidized_1[ initial_state_dwelling_size[3, :] <= param["threshold"]] # Then, the fraction of RDP backyard (per grid cell) that is rented out # in equilibrium (in m²/m²). We remind that this corresponds to the # housing supply per unit of available land for informal backyards. fraction_backyard = initial_state_housing_supply[1, :] / 1000000 # We just multiply the amount of composite good from the budget constraint # by the damage parameter to obtain cost estimates content_cost["formal"] = ( param["fraction_z_dwellings"] # * fraction_capital_destroyed.contents_formal / (1 + param["fraction_z_dwellings"] * fraction_capital_destroyed.contents_formal) * (income_formal - initial_state_rent[0, :] * initial_state_dwelling_size[0, :]) ) content_cost["informal"] = ( param["fraction_z_dwellings"] # * fraction_capital_destroyed.contents_informal / (1 + param["fraction_z_dwellings"] * fraction_capital_destroyed.contents_informal) * (income_informal - initial_state_rent[2, :] * initial_state_dwelling_size[2, :] - fraction_capital_destroyed.structure_informal_settlements * param["informal_structure_value"] - (interest_rate + param["depreciation_rate"]) * param["informal_structure_value"]) ) content_cost["subsidized"] = ( param["fraction_z_dwellings"] # * fraction_capital_destroyed.contents_subsidized / (1 + param["fraction_z_dwellings"] * fraction_capital_destroyed.contents_subsidized) * (income_subsidized + (param["backyard_size"] * initial_state_rent[1, :] * fraction_backyard) - (capital_destroyed + param["depreciation_rate"]) * param["subsidized_structure_value"]) ) # NB: There are (only) 3 corner cases where structural capital depreciation # is bigger than income in RDP, which may occur in high-flood-risk zones # where we do not let poor households arbitrage spatially: we put a floor # on those values as we can assume that those very deprived households # would be bailed out content_cost.loc[content_cost["subsidized"] < 0, "subsidized"] = 0 content_cost["backyard"] = ( param["fraction_z_dwellings"] # * fraction_capital_destroyed.contents_backyard / (1 + param["fraction_z_dwellings"] * fraction_capital_destroyed.contents_backyard) * (income_backyard - initial_state_rent[1, :] * initial_state_dwelling_size[1, :] - fraction_capital_destroyed.structure_backyards * param["informal_structure_value"] - (interest_rate + param["depreciation_rate"]) * param["informal_structure_value"]) ) return content_cost
[docs]def create_flood_dict(floods, path_floods, path_tables, sim_nb_households_poor, sim_nb_households_midpoor, sim_nb_households_midrich, sim_nb_households_rich): """ Create dictionary for household distribution in a given set of flood maps. The spatial distribution is broken into income groups, as this is the relevant dimension in the plot_flood_severity_distrib function (export_outputs_floods module) that takes the output of this function as an argument. Parameters ---------- floods : list List of file names for available flood maps per return period and flood type path_floods : str Path towards flood maps directory path_tables : str Path for saving output plots sim_nb_households_poor : Series Number of poor households, per grid cell sim_nb_households_midpoor : Series Number of mid-poor households, per grid cell sim_nb_households_midrich : Series Number of mid-rich households, per grid cell sim_nb_households_rich : Series Number of rich households, per grid cell Returns ------- dictio : dict Dictionary yielding, for each return period of a given flood type, the spatial distribution of households broken into income groups, along with the maximum flood depth level and fraction of flood-prone area in their residential location """ dictio = {} for flood in floods: print(flood) flood_data = np.squeeze(pd.read_excel(path_floods + flood + ".xlsx")) sim_poor_index = pd.DataFrame(sim_nb_households_poor) sim_midpoor_index = pd.DataFrame(sim_nb_households_midpoor) sim_midrich_index = pd.DataFrame(sim_nb_households_midrich) sim_rich_index = pd.DataFrame(sim_nb_households_rich) sim_poor_index = sim_poor_index.rename( columns={sim_poor_index.columns[0]: 'sim_poor'}) sim_midpoor_index = sim_midpoor_index.rename( columns={sim_midpoor_index.columns[0]: 'sim_midpoor'}) sim_midrich_index = sim_midrich_index.rename( columns={sim_midrich_index.columns[0]: 'sim_midrich'}) sim_rich_index = sim_rich_index.rename( columns={sim_rich_index.columns[0]: 'sim_rich'}) flood_df = pd.merge(flood_data, sim_poor_index, left_index=True, right_index=True) flood_df = pd.merge(flood_df, sim_midpoor_index, left_index=True, right_index=True) flood_df = pd.merge(flood_df, sim_midrich_index, left_index=True, right_index=True) flood_df = pd.merge(flood_df, sim_rich_index, left_index=True, right_index=True) flood_df.to_csv(path_tables + flood + 'distrib_households.csv') dictio[flood] = flood_df return dictio